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The Wedding of Izu Carrendar & Tessa Vescara – Carrendar Dynasty.


(RP) The Wedding of Izu Carrendar & Tessa Vescara
February 10, 2014 04:44AM
The Wedding of Izu Carrendar & Tessa Vescara




IzuCarrendar: – Having spent much of the day in his boxers pacing his apartment, then getting his best man from the airport, it was safe to say that Izu was a nervous wreck. Four of his sons were at the family home, taking their time as always. Billy refused to go get ready as he was playing Skyrim on the play station, and Ty along with Orson were battling over who used the shower first. Nigel was still on the phone to his girlfriend, who sadly couldn’t make the wedding, due to being in hospital with a severe case of food poisoning after Tessa’s Tupperware party. Brock was off picking up his new lady friend, Pandora from her apartment, and promised to be at the wedding right on time. Now, Izu was dressed in a specially designed tux and was fixing his tie, as a horn sounded outside. It was three limos to pick up the men to take to the wedding. “Shit..what time is it, Dad?” Billy said, still playing his game, and Orson gripped him by the scruff of the neck and dragged him to get dressed super fast. Izu grabbed a brown paper bag and started blowing into it. “I can’t do this.” He wailed, the bag inflating and deflating rapidly, as Ty came past and popped it. “You’ll be fine, Dad. Come on, let’s get going.” Nigel switched off his cell, and yelled out. “Let’s do this..BOOYAH!” The five Carrendar men and the best man all went down to get in the cars. <3>

LadyBelz: When Brock had passed out the invite to his father’s wedding, Pandora had been stunned at first. Her? At a wedding? In a fancy getup? It just did not seem possible and she had been a hair’s breath away from telling him no until she caught the look in his eyes. It looked as if he were pleading with her to go. She was a sucker for the puppy dog look. With a sigh, knowing she’d probably end up regretting it later, she agreed. When she got home later that morning, she realized that she didn’t have a thing to wear. Everything in her closet was black leather, black lace, tight, revealing and very inappropriate for a wedding. She smacked herself in the head, downed another cup of coffee and headed back out to browse the stores. She was surprised to find what she needed in the first place she looked and had to refrain from decking the clerk when she hinted at the price in a snotty voice…as if Pandora couldn’t afford a stitch on the dress. She had slammed down cold hard cash on the counter with a glare at the shop girl, demanding to speak with a manager. The girl had paled drastically and rang up the dress without another word. A stop at the shoe store and then the hair dresser, a nap and a hot shower later, she considered herself ready. She was pacing back and forth across her apartment, waiting for Brock to arrive, wondering if it was too late to strip naked and hide away for the rest of the day.

IzuCarrendar: In a procession of cars, that looked something like a band about to appear at the Palladium, the Carrendar men are now pulling up in the car park, where many other cars and trucks were parked, along with the caterers and the band. The first limo to stop was of course Orson and Ty, who both jumped out, looking fantastic in Armani suits, with white carnations in their button holes. “We look like gangstas!” Ty said, striking a pose like Pacino, while Orson slapped him in the back of the head. “Cut the shit, Ty.” Billy and Nigel got out of the second car, with Billy playing his iphone and his head down, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. “Billy, put that shit away. Want Dad raging on us before we go in?” Billy coughed and tucked it in his pocket, as his Father got out of the third limo. He looked anxious and did a head count of his boys. “Where’s Brock?” Izu asked, looking high and low. Orson had to remind him. “Picking up his girl…er..Pandora?” Izu finally remembered. “Oh right right.” :: Outside Pandora’s apartment, Brock was about to knock on the door. He had a corsarge in a clear box and flicked back his hair as he then got the courage and knocked. “Hope she’s ready.” He thought to himself. <3>

Monolisa: Monolisa walked up to the address she had gotten from the Empress. What she was doing in a place called the poisoned tongue. She threw the note away as she swung the doors open and walked past the tables of people eating, not giving any indication of notice towards them. Seated over at a table by herself was Tessa. Tapping her fingers as if she was waiting for a meal to be placed at her fingertips. She didn’t have time for this, the wedding was already about to begin. “Holy shit, what are you doing? You’re not supposed to be at this stupid bar waiting for a stupid meal, do you know what day it is woman?” It was obvious she was still waiting for dinner. Monolisa looked down at Tessa’s body, ripe with life and quickly looked over to the one of the customers who was about to dig in to his meal. Wrinkling her nose, Monolisa walked over to the table and grabbed the man’s food. “Excuse me, a pregnant woman is in need of this meal, your money shall be returned to you… When, I have no idea. Good day.” She wrapped up the plate and helped Tessa off the chair who was still slightly refusing to quicken her pace. If the Empress was a lot skinnier it would have been easier to remove her from the Poisoned Tongue, without barging into people or knocking over chairs to get out of the front doors. The limo was still parked on the side street, its back door opened wide so Tessa and Monolisa could easily fit into it. “Eat.” She shoved the food from the plate into the Empress’s mouth as the driver plowed down to highway towards their destination. Somewhere in the process Monolisa had managed to put a tablecloth around her dress, because the napkin was just too small now. <e>


LadyBelz: The knock startled her into a squeak (a sound she would deny making to her dying day) and she took a deep breath to calm herself. She made toward the door before running back to her bedroom mirror to check her hair and makeup. “What the hell was I thinking? Going to a wedding for people I don’t know? He gave you that hanged dog look, that’s what happened.” she muttered to herself, fixing a stray curl. She spritzed on a bit of perfume before she turned and went back to the door. Hang on the knob, she took a couple of deep breaths before she unlocked the door and pulled it open. Brock stood on the threshhold looking very sexy in a black Armani tuxedo. She was tongue-tied for a moment. He cleaned up very nicely. “Hi. I see you found my place okay.” she smiled.

IzuCarrendar; “Yeah..my GPS didn’t send me to the wrong side of town.” Brock said. And then he remembered the corsage. “Oh…I got this for you.” He said, holding it out for Pandora. Behind him was a hired Porche in black no less. “Your chariot awaits, M’lday.” With a wink, he offered his arm to her, to walk her to the car. “I got the good job, getting to pick you up, and not having to watch my Father have a panic attack.” Brock then walked Pandora to the car, and held the door open for her. <3>

T1Legend: On March 3, 1969, The United States Association of Deacons and Ministers established an elite school for the top 1 percent of best men. Its purpose was to teach the lost art of throwing stag parties, upholding the Bro-Code, and getting a mate over the pre-marital jitters—–to insure that the handful of men who graduated were the /best/ Best Men in the world. They succeeded. Today, the Association of Deacons and Ministers calls it Best Man Training School. The Best Men call it: TOP GUN. George “Jetson” Cobretti revved up the engine, listening to her howling roar. Black Magic—-his aircraft—-was metal under tension, begging him to touch and go. He was heading into twilight and Black Magic spread her wings out into the night; George was jumping off the deck, shoved into overdrive. He had a wedding to go to.

IMrsNote: Evidently she was to play the role of flower girl, with little to no warning, but it hardly mattered to her as Joany ran around in her dress in playful manner. Once she had been helped with her hair and outfit, the small basket thrust into her hands, the small female followed out to the main isle, held back to wait for some sign that she was to go ahead. Wide eyes gazing down the hall to the row of people and seats, listening to the hushed conversation that all muddled into simply noise, she wiggled her nose in contemplation as well as the smell of the flower petals within the small basket in her hands, fidgeting with the gauzy ribbon wrapped around the handle. Joany could not sit still for even the briefest of moments as she messed with her hair, rubbed her free hand over her face and under her nose with a loudish sniff, shifting shiny shoes against the runner and gazing up the isle once more and swinging side to side in dancy dancy manner as energy filled little girl got psyched up to be a temporary center of attention amongst a largeish group of adults. “I’m hungry.” She whispered up to the female beside her, tugging her her skirt lightly only to get promptly shushed. She frumped in a deep set frown, scratching the tip of her nose with her index finger, waiting to be spurned forward to get this done. Idly she played with the petals, gazing at them in contemplating, before eating one. Wrinkling her nose, she instantly decided not to do this again.

IzuCarrendar; – Orson happened to notice the his Dad’s best man wasn’t in the parking lot. He tapped his father on the shoulder, as he was about to ascend the stairs. “Hey Dad, where’s Jeston? Thought you got him from the airport.” Izu glanced around then in his car. “I thought I did. Crap, where is he?” Izu ran around to the other cars, looking for his best man. “JETSON?!” He bellowed. “He has the rings!” Now Izu was starting to get nervous again. <3>

LadyBelz: She didn’t know how he did it, but the flower in the corsage matched the color of her dress perfectly. She took it from him, wondering how to put it on when she saw the pin underneath it. She pinned it to the thin strap of her dress before grabbing up the key to her apartment. She turned away for a brief moment to slip the key into her pantyhose, fixing her dress before she turned back to him. He offered an arm with a wink and she grinned, slipping her arm through. “Well…if he loves the person he’s marrying, and she loves him…shouldn’t be an issue.” she shrugged as he opened the door of the car for her. Gathering the material of the dress (and inadvertently exposing a good amount of leg to Brock’s eyes) so she wouldn’t step on it, she slid into the car, settling in the seat before she pulled on her seatbelt.

Morinehtar: “Pull over you lout! This is it!” shouted a harried looking female. The sudden jerking of a clean black vehicle to the curb outside the establishment announced the arrival of the organ player. “Be here at the hour specified to return me to my hotel. Do. Not. Be late!” With those words, the woman stepped out of the vehicle and stood looking ever inch as if she was not nearly running late and the driver had not become lost in transit. Hand on hip, she ascended the stairs and looked around, giving off a rather regal sort of air. Her short cut black hair contrasted well with her skin. Coupled with the lavender kimono she wore, one would easily figure her to be of Asian descent despite her blue eyes. Kotone took her time examining the area to note the layout for the wedding, including her area of contribution: the organ. Having gathered her bearings, she strode to the instrument and took her seat, watching those around her and awaiting the signal to start- that being the beginning of the wedding procession.
T1Legend: George was in a hurry, so he took the highway—-The Highway to the Danger Zone. The F-35 tore across the sky, leaving behind twin streamers of exhaust that spiraled through the air in a cyclone of jet-fuel-vapor. Jetson was coming in hot—he had no intentions of bugging out—-and he was coming in fast. It appeared as though from nowhere, its underbelly nearly scraping the church steeple. The sound of his flyby could best be described as an ear-bursting cacaphony—–a thunderous cannonade of turbine revolutions. It was a sound to rattle the bowels. The ground shook and vibration permeated the air—-car alamrs went off in rapid succession.

IzuCarrendar: Putting on the seat belt, then sliding a roxy music CD into the stereo in the car dash, Brock started the engine, that literally purred a growl, before he threw it into first, and sped off towards the church. Every so often casting a glance at Pandora’s show of leg. He had to admit, she looked like a knock out and he puffed his chest proudly knowing his brothers were all going to be jealous. With Slave to love playing on the speakers, he cruised along at 60 miles per hour till making it to the gates of the wedding arena. It was already packed with cars and other limos, and Brock managed to find a space before getting out and walking around to help Pandora out of the car. “Here we are, Pan. Might I say you look stunning. Bet you will give the bride a run for her money.” <3>

IzuCarrendar: : Putting on the seat belt, then sliding a roxy music CD into the stereo in the car dash, Brock started the engine, that literally purred a growl, before he threw it into first, and sped off towards the church. Every so often casting a glance at Pandora’s show of leg. He had to admit, she looked like a knock out and he puffed his chest proudly knowing his brothers were all going to be jealous. With Slave to love playing on the speakers, he cruised along at 60 miles per hour till making it to the gates of the wedding arena. It was already packed with cars and other limos, and Brock managed to find a space before getting out and walking around to help Pandora out of the car. “Here we are, Pan. Might I say you look stunning. Bet you will give the bride a run for her money.” <3>
BooScott: -Boo sat in her old room pinning her hair into perfection in the vanity table that sat beside her old bed. In the background soft classical music could be heard as the redhead tied to let it take her, complete her, and hopefully take her nerves with it. Just this morning she had gotten the call from Rhonda all but screaming at her about a wedding and some other things that made no sense to her, between vomiting and the screaming in the background Rhonda had managed to get her voice and thoughts straight enough to let Boo know she would be taking her place at a wedding ceremony. “But Rhonda,” Boo had spoken, “You know I haven’t done this in years, are you sure there is no one else?” The young woman had said not trying to sound whinny but at this point she saw no other way out. “No ONE!” the other had screamed and like that the line went dead letting the woman know there was no way out and she had no choice. So now that is where she found herself, standing Boo disrobed and stepped into her dress pulling it up above her body. She struggled trying to lace herself up with one hand as the other held the dress up, frustrated a growl left her lips but finally she was successful in dressing herself in that blasted thing. Walking across the hall to the room that was at the present bathed in darkness, she bend her head over the bassinet placing a soft kiss over the children that lay there, both infants stared at her with clear purple eyes. “Please be good for mommy, I will be back as soon as I can.” The boy infant let out a laugh and cooed while the girl infant smiled up at her, “Yeah I know, keep him out of trouble I’m counting on you.” The girl infant smiled and cooed melting the woman’s heart, beside the bassinet lay a bed and within a figure whose blonde hair peeked out from underneath the covers. Boo smiled as she approached the bed, within it a woman stirred and Boo’s smiled widened she bend to kiss the other’s soft lips. “I will return soon beautiful, I love you Ro.” She didn’t know if her wife heard her or not, but she hoped she had. An elegant slick black car was already waiting on her ready to take her to wherever it was this ceremony was to be held, slipping in the back seat Boo looked at the driver as she closed the door “Let’s go Rojhe, or else we will never make it and I will never live it down.” They got there in record time but she didn’t expect anything less coming from the driver. As Boo got out of the car she adjusted her skirts and began to walk, back straight head held high. She nodded to some here and there as she walked to the front looking down at her notes ever so often as she waited for everyone to settle and things to get into order her liquid gold eyes looked over everyone there nodding one final time to herself as her inner monologue for today’s events continued. -

IzuCarrendar: – The Best man had always been something of a showman in his day, and well, today was the perfect occasion to give Izu a reminder of just why Jetson got his nickname. The dull roar that grew to such a loud crescendo, had guests and the men of Carrendar all look skyward. “Look…up in the sky….it’s a bird…It’s a plane….” “SHIT IT IS A PLANE!” The boys all cheered and then were nearly knocked off their feet when the plane almost hit the top of the church spire. “God dammit…man.” Izu said, flicking back his hair, as he ran to where his best man landed the plane. Needless to say, dog owners and a few neighbours were going to be pissed off with all the noise. <3>

LadyBelz: Pandora had a panicked look on her face as she looked down at her burgandy-colored dress. “Is this too much? Should I have worn something else? Shit! I knew I should have just stuck to black! What the hell was I thinking?” She covered her hand with her eyes, shaking her head. “God, I’m so embarassed.” she groaned.
IzuCarrendar: Brock looked at Pandora as she fretted about being too overdressed. He placed his arm around her as they walked and said. “Dad’s marrying an Empress…I think. So, she is probably going to be wearing Macy’s front display window. I think you’ll be fine.” <3>

IMrsNote: Tugging on the skirt of the woman beside her who was there to signal her when to walk, she whispered, “Hey…hey…hey…hey…hey…” this went on for several long, looong moments until the woman turned and in hushed hiss, snarled, “What?!” Going wide eyed, Joany stood there for a moment, as if stunned, eyes wide behind small white rimmed glasses, before whispering back, “What are we doing?” One could not contemplate a more miserable adult, most certainly, as the female’s face fell flat in aggrivation. Going over it, yet again, with Joany, who nodded on and off again, once the woman was done explaining once more, she asked, “Why?” “Just do it.” Pouting, the small child licked her fingers then reached up and rubbed her saliva covered hand against the womans elbow and kept doing this until she was swatted at, which only made this worse. If she could have reached, she would have put a different part in the femme’s hair, as she continuously licked fingers and touched the female, waiting for her cue to move on and pointlessly drop flower petals down an isle where a lady in a pretty dress would slowly march down it to have a conversation with a man in front of a large group of people. And people called her silly. She’d just wait and snack on her flower petals in the meantime.

Morinehtar: Some minutes passed before Kotone sighed. She was not, of course, late, and though the area was filling up quickly, it would still be some amount of time before the bride and groom parties were due to arrive. It was hardly fair to deprive those present of her talents during the wait; the wedding planner had not hired the finest (as she believed herself to be) musician in all of New York for nothing. Seating herself delicately on the bench, Kotone lovingly ran her fingers of over the keys and checked the petals assuring herself all was to rights. She played a set of scales to check the organ was in tune. Satisfied, she began playing a light and joyful sort of piece to place everyone in the mindset for the wondrous occurrence at hand. Upon hearing the cacophonous noise of the best man’s vehicle, she would grit her teeth and will her music to drown out the unfortunate sound. Her fingers and feet would continue to tap out various tunes until the appointed persons began walking down the aisle, at which point she would commence playing the fairly standard Cannon in D. ((For your musical enjoyment:

T1Legend: Black and sleek and gleaming, the F-35 came to a (rough) stop in the grass. The cockpit opened and the pilot unclasped his oxygen mask to climb out. He was tall and lean, with his dark hair flecked by bits of silver. ” Did somebody order a best man? ” George unzipped his flightsuit, revealing the tuxedo beneath.

MidnightDarkPhoenix: The night was semi-young and so full of life; the evening stars gave way to a magnificent sight in the sky. A smile crossed Tessa’s face as she slowly thought about the prior months she’d had with her fiancé, and then the moment was ruined by the clanging in the nearby kitchen. Someone in the back must have been really busy and dropped something on their way to deliver her food. Loud clangs were heard from throughout The Poisoned Tongue and different conversations began to arise, one person asking another as to what had happened in the back and a lively couple angrily moving about to the entrance whilst still chewing half their food. “It’s just a little while longer.” Tessa thought to herself as the baby disturbed her peaceful thoughts with kicks against her stomach. She winced and let a small groan escape her lips. “You just love making mommy nervous don’t you?” And just then as Tessa began to relax herself once more, out of her peripheral vision she caught sight of her Advisor. It’d been quite a while since she’d seen her faithful guide and smiled as the woman made her way towards the table; Tessa’s nails continuously rapping against the table as if waiting impatiently for her food. >c<
MidnightDarkPhoenix: “Holy shit, what are you doing? Monolisa had exclaimed with a somewhat surprised look to her face. Tessa raised a brow at the woman before then trying to speak and failing from interruption. “You’re not supposed to be at this stupid bar waiting for a stupid meal, do you know what day it is woman?” Monolisa, stern with hand on hip eyed her and popped her lips before then raising her own brow at the Empress. “Well, I’d like to say it’s dinner time, but it looks like that wouldn’t be the right answer, seeing as how you know?, I’m in a frickin’ wedding dress.” Tessa smiled before then looking on as her advisor moved about tables and took a tray from a man whilst ignoring the words Tessa had just spoken. “Are you serious, Mona, you can’t just take that man’s food; irregardless if I’m feeding for two or not.” As Tessa was yanked from her seat with ease and grace she looked back at the man and dropped some money on the table. >c<


IzuCarrendar: Izu was pretty much blown away by his best mate and best man’s entrance. Izu’s finely combed back hair, now looked something more akin to Ozzy Ozbourne after a drunken party. “You!.* he pointed squarely at George, as a large straggle lock of hair fell before his eyes…”You can be my wing man any time. And about now would be good. Come on, before Tessa’s mother clocks me or something worse.” The boys all came around and were saying hello and admiring George’s plane, instead of getting into the church. Izu tried to hurry them up, while Billy had put on his head set to drown out his father, listening to Fat man slim. (Funk Soul brother….)


IMrsNote: Gazing around in bordom, she stood there idly picking her nose, wide eyes staring unblinkingly from behind her glasses. “I’m tired. I’m hungry. It smells funny here. When can I go play?” The female answered her consistantly with aggrivation in attempts of calm facade which was hardly masked by her severe annoyance, “Do penguins dream? Where’s mommy? Why are we doing this? I don’t like this music. You’re dumb. Can I go play now? Are there any other kids here? This is boring. I want my mommy.” Her nannie was nearly on the verge of tears at this point, frustrated, and not even reacting as Joany pulled her finger from her nose, studied it, then wiped it on her nannie’s dress beside her. “Who’s that lady? And that one? And that one? Who’s he? And him? This dress is itchy.” Setting down the basket, she went about scratching against the cloth, grunting and whining in aggrivation. “My shoes hurt. Your face smells. Can I go play yet?”

T1Legend: ” Bullshit! You can be mine. ” George seemed to be impervious to helmet-hair—-or maybe helmet-hair looked good on him. Izu’s hair was less….accomodating. Jetson pulled a comb out of his back pocket—he had brought it in case of emergency—and gave his best friend a quick once over with the comb. ” Like a million bucks. Let’s go get you hitched. “

Morinehtar: Kotone was lost in the music. The devilish rumble (from George’s plane) had subsided, and now, the air was filled with nothing but lovely music. She was so into her task that her eyes were nearly shut and her shoulders moved about as if the woman thought she were flying. That is, until the irksome voice of a three foot tiny terror took hold in her ear and marred her focus. She did not cease playing, but she turned to look at the child who stood some feet away with a woman who’s face said she was near to tears with frustration. Commenting on the girl’s behavior, Kotone exclaimed, “What a horrible child!” to no one in particular. Said child probably heard it.

IzuCarrendar: – And so the Carrendar men, Ty, Orson, Nigel, a head bobbing Billy, and their Father along with George, all started for the stairs, and made their way up into the church, which was elaborately decorated. Orson’s mouth fell open and said. “Shit, I think Interflora exploded in here.” At the sight of all the flowers. The young men all went to line up at the front of the church as groomsmen, while Izu with his freshly combed do, nervously went to stand at the front of the church, looking about at those he knew, those he didn’t. He spied Brock and his date, and nodded politely, before pulling hard on his collar, and coughing. He then took a very solid stance and was ready for his bride. <3>

IMrsNote: Rolling around on her back in the isle, she scratched at the itchy taffetta dress, grumbling and grunting. Her nannie finally snapped out of her escapey day dreams, turned and saw what Joany was doing, and instantly went red with humiliation. “Get up!” She whispered, motioning erratically with her hands, “Hold on…it’s…I’ve almost…” she rasped out, itching wildly at her own dress covered butt. The nannie reached down and took her hand, pulling her up by it, only to have Joany go dead weight. “I said get up or so help me I will tell your father.” Gasping, she stared up to her challenged. Dirty pull, lady. Gazing over towards the female who called her horrible, she responded with waving her hand over her head in greeting, and calling out loudly, “HI!” her voice echoing in the large area with the volume of an explosing in a mausoleum, as several shushed her. She ‘oopsed’ then giggled hushedly, putting her finger up to her lips and went back to reaching up, grabbing her nannie’s hand and swinging from it, humming softly to herself.

IzuCarrendar: “I’m surprised Dad didn’t bring a hip flask of whiskey. Gee, can you see the beads of sweat?” Brock whispered to Pandora, as he faked a grin to his father.

LadyBelz: Pandora looked at Brock’s father, and sure enough, the man looked like he could use a stiffy. “Should have brought a bottle for a wedding gift.” she nodded. “Or a towel. Think it’s too late to get either?” she chuckled.

Monolisa: As Monolisa and the Empress reached their destination, she noticed that Tessa had eaten most of her dinner. Everything but the healthy food. The Brussels Sprouts were no longer edible and the plate ended up being throw in the trash. She found herself tending to Tessa’s hair before the screeching of wheels met the asphalt that made the bitumen road. The door opened almost instantaneously as Monolisa’s ears was greeted with the loud sound of a plane coming in to land. Geez, what could go wrong? The Empress said. There was a million things that could happen. She didn’t even seem to have a care in the world. “Right, well since you seem to be primp and prepared for a night dressed like the Queen of England, shall we go in?” Luckily there was no rain clouds in the night sky, and her make-up would stay plastered on perfectly for several more hours. Monolisa felt like she was wearing a mask, she never dressed up so much in her life, not even for weddings. However being the Maid of Honor to an Empress was indeed exactly that, a great Honor. Tessa’s gown had to be lifted slightly, so the soft and silky texture wouldn’t rip against her flawless glass slippers as she exited the limousine. The wedding bells signaled that it was about to begin, everyone else had already arrived, and all that there was left to do was walk up the grand stairs, and get this night over with. The moon was almost at it’s peak and Mona’s wedding gift to the Empress was indeed going to need to be given to her soon enough. “Now, remember not to trip over on your dress, big smiles and for heaven’s sake, try not to drop the ring before putting it on your lover’s finger, this dress was not designed for flexibility.” Mona picked a tiny bit of lettuce off Tessa’s shoulder before her eyes assessed the ‘Queen of England.’ Nodding to herself she turned around, walking into the church. <e>

Re: (RP) The Wedding of Izu Carrendar & Tessa Vescara
February 10, 2014 04:45AM
The Wedding of Izu Carrendar & Tessa Vescara

(Part two)

MidnightDarkPhoenix: Sebastian having been one of the main people the Empress contacted for the occasion took the liberty of counting every single seat, and every single flower and petal upon them. The words of the Empress ringing in his ears as he slowly moved his way into entrance and up the grand elegant staircase. “Sebastian… I honestly don’t see why you can’t just do all of this for me?” And as requested per her orders, it was done. In precise detail of her liking, given she gave no specifications. And not long after taking a head count of everyone his feet moved about the long aisle, inching through rows of random people who he’d never met, his body skimming forward and swiftly making its way towards the altar where he stood idly by waiting for the Empress and her advisor.
MidnightDarkPhoenix: Meanwhile Tessa and Mona were nearing their destination and they both grew impatient as the night dragged on. Before too long they’d arrived. “Goodness, we got here fast.” Mona winked at the Empress playfully before then assuming a position of royal stature and grace. “Right, well since you seem to be primp and prepared for a night dressed like the Queen of England, shall we go in?” Mona looked on at her and then began to grow even more impatient with the pregnant woman before finally hearing her words. “Yes, yes, please. I am ready.” Tessa smiled and slowly took Mona’s hand and began to exit the vehicle before then gazing up at the stars again and moving with rapid speed towards the elegant staircase before them. Mona smirked and waved it off before picking up Tessa’s gown, the silky soft texture gracing her fingers as they both moved up the stairs and towards the entrance. “Sebastian really did outdo himself, didn’t he?” She’d asked Mona as they finally made it just outside the doors. “Yes, yes, wonderful. Now, remember not to trip over on your dress, big smiles and for heaven’s sake, try not to drop the ring before putting it on your lover’s finger, this dress was not designed for flexibility.” Tessa giggled and slowly felt the tears swell in her eyes before then turning to the doors and looking behind her, then forward to her Advisor once more. “Thank you… for everything, and for always being here for me. I honestly don’t deserve as good of a friend as you.” >e<

Morinehtar: At last! The bride had arrived. Kotone had ignored the flower girl’s wave as she had the rest of her antics. The groom and party, one of which looked rather more slick than was appropriate for the night to her mind, had soon after trekked in. All the while, Kotone had played, ever so often glancing back over her shoulder to see if the bride had made her appearance. Now that the woman had, Kotone quickly but beautifully ended the piece she had been keying and transitioned into Cannon in D so that the bride could walk up the isle to her awaiting groom.

IzuCarrendar:- The Boys all stood in a straight line, as the organist heralded her arrival. Each standing to attention, and Billy quickly put away his headphones, after a foul look from his father. Grinning, he stuffed them in his pocket, and pushed his glasses up his nose. Izu glanced down the aisle at his beloved Tessa and you could see the tears welling in his eyes. Tessa looked stunning, and every bit the blushing bride. <3>


IMrsNote: She ooohed as the pretty lady arrived, being placed in the center at the very end of the isle as her nannie went to the side, watching her like a hawk. She darted two fingers towards her own eyes, then pointed them at the little girl, who stared up to her in confusion for a moment before looking back down to the isle. Once the music rose, and qued her to continue on, the little girl clammed up slightly, face going red as she realized she was being looked at. “Go on.” Her nannie whispered to her, smiling now. Looking back towards the isle unsure, she began walking at slowish speed up the isle, dropping handfulls of petals here and there as her wide eyed expression darted from face to face, looking around in unsurity. Every now and then she’d smile and wave at any patron that might smile to her first, but otherwise her antics were at a standstill as she dropped the petals appropriately on the runner, making her way up the aisle. Once up there, her nannie picked her up, “I’m so proud of you.” Kissed her cheek and brought her to sit her in her lap to the side.

Monolisa: Indeed Sebastian has outdone himself, Mona noticed as she walked the Empress down the aisle, towards where Izu was now standing along with his best man. The words that Tessa spoke were almost muzzled, mixed in with a hint of rasp in her voice but were quickly quieted by the beautiful melodies of Canon in D echoing throughout the room. “You have no need to thank me, this is YOUR day, or well…” Mona smiled and closed her eyes. “Night.” The moon was in succession and Mona’s gift would be given momentarily. The runner was as elegant and beautiful as everything else. Each step was concentrated, slow and focused and in tune with every key of the organ. The groom now too had tears in his eyes, clear at this point he was as happy as the Empress. The stepped across fresh petals that had been just placed on the runner, a beautiful canopy of fragrance and color lit up the air, and apparently the Empress’ cheeks as well. HA! So there was something that Tessa was not always confident in, it seemed only now she was embarrassed? Bashful? Who knew the correct word that endeared the woman’s facial expression, but with perfect clarity anyone could tell she was happily ready to be married one last time. Mona’s lips parted slightly as she reached the end of the runner and handed her over to the groom. Silently mouthing words into the air, waiting for the magical essence to consume her. It was indeed the right time to cast the incantation of her gift. Soon enough her family would get to see her again. <e>

T1Legend: Cobretti took his place as best man, the rings secure in his posession. He stood there quietly, eyes surveying the bridesmaids—–trying to get a lock, you understand. The pilot couldn’t make up his mind, and who could ever just choose one? His facial muscles contorted into a lopsided grin—-not that long ago, Izu would have been right there beside him as his wingman. But Izu was getting married; those days were over. That was okay—he could fly solo just fine. And besides, he was happy for his friend.

IzuCarrendar: Brock squeezed Pandora’s hand tightly, and then looked on as his future step mother came up the aisle. She really did look very beautiful, and he could see why his Father was so smitten. He tried to keep quiet, and then remembered he had a packet of menthos in his pocket. Slight of hand, he took it out and then popped the top end and offered it to Pandora. “Sweety?”

LadyBelz: Pandora didn’t dare move as Brock squeezed her hand. She hadn’t even been aware of the fact he was still holding it as she watched the bride walk up the aisle. She was eying the very expensive dress the woman was wearing. She leaned toward Brock. “Bet the price of that dress could feed a third world country for at least 50 years.” she chuckled. Her head snapped around when he said “Sweety” and she very nearly grabbed his ear in warning. Until she saw that he was holding out a packet of mints. She smirked at him and took a mint, popping it into her mouth and suckling at the cool. minty taste. She winked at him, but for a moment, her heart had stopped when she had assumed he was calling her by that sappy nickname.

BooScott: – Twisting her own wedding ring Boo let the soft breeze play with her hair, the night was beautiful, not chilly but not overly warm just perfect for such an event. Standing in her spot Boo watched a series of events unfold and wondered how these people had not gotten their own sitcom yet. At one point the redhead began to hum a none-existent song to herself, she smiled to anyone who glanced her way her head bending in acknowledgement to them. Before long she heard the procession begin, it was time, as if snapped by a rubber band everyone stood in their places completely perfect as if just a few minutes ago this place hadn’t been a completely chaotic zoo. The music took a sweeter tempo that played beautifully to the ears, a little girl began to walk down the aisle looked every bit an angel. Just then the cords in the music changed, and a figure began to move towards them. The air around them changed became thick with emotion as everyone tried to hold it together, she wanted to mention they were failing miserably , but it wasn’t her place so Boo let her small smile become a full grin as the bride came forth. And just like that she was there, the love that shone in her eyes as well as the grooms could be felt in the very air itself, licking her lips Boo cleared her throat getting everyone’s attention. Eyes momentarily on her, well some at least, her arms extended as her voice was loud enough to travel to everyone there, but soft enough for them to be captured by the moment. “Welcome everyone! We are all here today to celebrate the relationship of Tessa Dawn Vescara and Izu Carrendar and to be witnesses and supporters as they proclaim their love to one another. Together we are a group of the most important people in their lives and they’ve brought us here to publically recognize that we’ve all played some special part in the love they share.”

IMrsNote: She swung her small feet back and forth, softly bouncing the spongey heels off of her nannie’s shins, and fidgeting as well as scratching due to the dress, but otherwise she was a bit more well behaved for the time being since everyone was so quiet. Turning sideways in nannie’s lap, she hugged up against her, resting her head on her shoulder. The female rocked back and forth lightly, patting her back, watching the couple whom warranted all eyes. “Lupe, can I go play now?” She whispered very softly, which warranted a gentle shush from the nannie, silencing her for the time being. Playing with the buckles of her shoes in thought she looked back up to the bride and groom, before asking her nannie, “Why are they looking at each other that way?” Lupe gently placed a finger over Joany’s lips to silence her, looking around apologetically. Glancing over Lupe’s shoulder, she spotted the female and male with the mints, and perked up, thinking they had candy, though did not say anything just yet. Charismatic to a slight degree, Joany whispered softly to Pandora, ignoring the shushes, “You’re pretty.” Smiling happily to her in cheeky grin.

MidnightDarkPhoenix: Sebastian having been one of the main people the Empress contacted for the occasion took the liberty of counting every single seat, and every single flower and petal upon them. The words of the Empress ringing in his ears as he slowly moved his way into entrance and up the grand elegant staircase. “Sebastian… I honestly don’t see why you can’t just do all of this for me?” And as requested per her orders, it was done. In precise detail of her liking, given she gave no specifications. And not long after taking a head count of everyone his feet moved about the long aisle, inching through rows of random people who he’d never met, his body skimming forward and swiftly making its way towards the altar where he stood idly by waiting for the Empress and her advisor.

MidnightDarkPhoenix: Having finally made it to the sight of the wedding Sebastian took his handkerchief from his side pocket and ran it to the side of him, allowing it to catch the breeze of random air that whooshed by. No sooner after doing so he removed his glasses and began to contact the fabric to the glass and slowly began to rub it in every which way he could, so much as to clean it before then placing his handkerchief in his pocket once more and doing the same with his glasses in their rightful place. “And as usual, she is late. Or rather in her eyes; early.” He sighed and shook his head before then moving to the side and standing behind everyone at the front of the entrance in a single blink of an eye. He was fast paced in his movements and made sure no one had seen him move just then, but sooner or later someone was bound to notice something. But then again, it’s not like this was a normal wedding after all. >c<

MidnightDarkPhoenix: “You have no need to thank me, this is YOUR day, or well…” Mona looked about the night sky and corrected herself then. “Night.” It was indeed a special night for her, and while the moon slowly rose overhead she couldn’t help but think how her beloved daughter and brother were doing on The Other Side. Instantly her thoughts shifted into focus as she then felt her train fall against the floor and the two of them both walked slowly down the aisle. The melody played on the organ flowed through the night air and instantly she could feel the tears slowly want to fall down her face. But instead of doing so, they remained where they were and she then looked on at her fiancé and smiled brightly. He was a handsome sight indeed, and this night among many others was one of the best nights she’d had in ages. The freshly thrown petals merged with the aisles rug and Tessa looked about them before moving her head, as if to hide from sight, the blush she’d had slowly rising from embarrassment. But as she did so, she caught the eye of her fiancé, so certain and happy did he look that she knew she had to as well. And she blinked and swallowed what last bit of courage she had and extended her hand to her fiancé before looking towards the crowd and nodding in thanks to her Advisor; kiss upon her cheek as she then stood behind as her Maid of honor. The sound of the priestess booming through the air of the night as she began to speak. “Welcome everyone! We are all here today to celebrate the relationship of Tessa Dawn Vescara and Izu Carrendar and to be witnesses and supporters as they proclaim their love to one another. Together we are a group of the most important people in their lives and they’ve brought us here to publically recognize that we’ve all played some special part in the love they share.” It was at this time Tessa squeezed Izu’s hand and then turned to look at the woman who much so resembled her mother. >e<

Morinehtar: She watched those as they moved up the aisle with a pleased grin on her face. Things were going perfectly, and her music was having the desired effect she was sure! Kotone kept the tempo smooth, finishing the song as Tessa took her place in front of Izu. Pleased with her performance, the woman then ceased playing and observed the vows from her seat.

IzuCarrendar: Izu was simply captivated by Tessa’s beauty. To him there was no one else in the room, only his blushing bride, who looked radiant in her gown. Izu was not normally one for suits and formality, and his boys..well they were happier to be in flight gear, but on this special occasion, all rose to the challenge of the day, and were ready to celebrate the union of Tessa and Izu. Izu ran his fingers over Tessa’s before swallowing hard, as he mentally tried to keep his cool, and not get all teary. Nothing worse than seeing a man cry on his wedding day. When the priestess announced to all that they were ready to begin, he quickly shot a look at his best man George, and hoped to God he had the rings. This day would have been made all the more special if his siblings Charlotte, Taru and Sora were able to attend, but each had such busy lives, it was not to be. His sons however came out in force, and the family was united, as they were about to welcome Tessa into the fold. <3>

T1Legend: Of course he had the rings. What kind of best friend—-or best man—-would he be if he had forgotten them? He leaned forward so that Izu would notice him and spoke low, so that the assembly could not overhear him. ” Pst. Buzz—5 O’Clock.” Should Izu be so inclined to turn his head, he’d see a glittering flash of gold peeking out of George’s pocket. Jetson winked as though to say, ‘ Relax, I got this ‘.

Monolisa: The moon was now in perfect position, the incantation slowly oozing into the air as the night embraced each word. Ethereal mist began to climb up from underneath the Earth’s surface, yet even though it was a gloomy thing, it was also very superlative. The wedding had proceeded to go on and everyone now shed some sort of liquid from their cheeks. The music had quieted down as more words began to be spoken from the priestess. It would be only several minutes now before the gate towards the Other side would open, and the invitation for Chanel and Lucius to enter. No longer needed at Tessa’s side, Mona placed a hand on her shoulder and stepped back slowly, not getting in anyone’s road as she walked over toward the entry. In the shadows she saw Sebastian observing everyone, watching as they all admired his work. “Well, I don’t think you want to be alone, hiding at a wedding.” Mona’s words were discreet as she looked over to the people continuing to support the wedding. <e>

IzuCarrendar: – Izu let out a sigh of relief, as he saw the flash of gold that was peeking out of George’s pocket. Thank Fuck. Izu thought to himself, and would have done a thumbs up, only not in front of the soon to be wife. Instead he looked expectantly towards the priestess so she could get this show on the road. <3>

LadyBelz: Pandora looked at the little girl in front of her and gave her a smile. “Thanks. You’re pretty too.” Then she leaned in closer. “Wanna see a trick?” She would wait for the little girl to nod before she held up her hand. Quick as a wink and with barely a thought, she flicked her thumb and the tip of her fingernail lit up with fire. Another flick later and the fire was gone, the tip of her finger not even burnt. She winked at the little girl and placed her finger at her lips in a shushing gesture. Their secret. Pandora sat back in her seat, very aware of Brock’s arm across her shoulders and turned her attention back to the wedding.

BooScott: -Everyone’s attention was on her, with a quick look at the bride and groom Boo’s focus went to the room. She smiled at the happy couple and cleared her throat, ” I know that Tessa and Izu thank you all for being here and to recognize how important each and every one of you are to their relationship. They would also like to recognize all of those who couldn’t make it here today as they are certainly missed but not forgotten on this day of celebration. Speaking of important people, there were none more important in influencing the lives of Tessa and Izu than their family and friends. With that being said, who gives Tessa away to be married to this man?” She paused eyes darting to the crowd as she waited for someone to step forward, taking the great honor of giving the bride to be married.-

IMrsNote: Joany beamed brightly to the female, at the compliment, then watched as the female did her trick. Eyes snap open wide, she stated a bit too loudly, “Woooooooooooooow!” Then clapped her hands, drawing the attention of her nannie. Wriggling away from Lupe, Joany hopped down and went to sit beside Pandora, reaching to look at her finger and around her hand, “Do it again!” She stated, but softer now in a whisper after several people shushed her. Smiling happily up to the female, she now centered her focus on the most fascinating person, to her, in the room.

LadyBelz: Pandora chuckled at the little bundle of energy. “If you can behave until it’s time to go eat, I’ll show you another trick. Think you can be a good girl until then?” she whispered.

MidnightDarkPhoenix: Sebastian opened his eyes from his resting position against the far back wall near the entrance and then turned his head to look at the woman. “Mona, I presume. And don’t mind me. I enjoy these events; it is all in a days work.”

IMrsNote: Her eyes went wide behind her glasses, Lupe glancing over her shoulder in amusement and waiting for the answer, believing this would never work. Joany thought about this for a few moments, then sucked in her bottom lip in thought. After a few seconds, she chirped happily, “Okay.” Her voice soft, as she stayed sitting beside Pandora quietly, no longer speaking.

Monolisa: “I believe that I am needed, do try to mingle Sebastian, this is a wedding after all, not a funeral.” Mona smiled and walked back behind Tessa, not convinced that he was enjoying himself as much as he said. Mona quickly looked over the Empress and nodded to the priestess. “I know I am no father, or mother, and that they are the true people who should be giving away such a prize to such an outstanding gentleman, but in recognition of everything, I am honored to give the Empress away.” The Maid of Honor flicked a tear away from her eyes as she held Tessa and moved her closer to the groom. “I have a gift for you as well, but I am afraid it’s only going to last a few seconds.” Mona smiled and pointed over the runner, towards where she was speaking with Sebastian. In the hint of the moonlight stood Chanel and Lucius, their physical link from the astral plane as solid as rock embedded in soil. It was as if they were actually here, but soon after they returned to the world of meta-physics, along with everyone else back on the other side. Chanel had waved and blew her a kiss for her mother, the very kiss almost real as the air blew it towards Tessa. Lucius had only crossed his arms and nodded as if to say “Well done Sis.” But his fiery blue eyes of phoenix fire showed something much deeper. It was the only thing Mona could think of that would be a gift worth memory. <e>

BooScott: -What happened before her was amazing, Boo was no stranger to weird things in her life, but this so far took the cake. Such pride and joy passed through her when she saw what happened before her, unable to understand why her first thought was that it was due to the emotion around her was intoxicating, she had to remind herself to continue.- “Thank you, very well. Marriage gives permanence and structure to a couple’s love. It’s a way to tell one another that no matter how much you snore or how much you spent while out at the shopping mall, we’re still in this together. It’s more permanent than the weird tattoo. Marriage is telling the person you love that you’re not going anywhere and that’s a powerful commitment for two people to make to one another.” Taking a deep breath her focus came to the couple as she spoke the words she knew from experience. “A good marriage must be built on the foundation of this commitment. In marriage the “little” things are the big things. It is never being too old to hold hands. It is remembering to say, “I love you” at least once a day. It is never going to sleep angry. It is standing together and facing the world. It is speaking words of appreciation, and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow. It is a common search for the good and the beautiful. It is not only marrying the right partner — it is being the right partner . Now before we proceed, there is something I must ask. If ANYONE in this room has any objection as to why these two should not be wedded on this day, come forth and speak now, or forever hold your piece” Boo’s eyes narrowed instinctively as she watched everyone thinking why would anyone want to stop such a beautiful couple form marrying, she made a mental note to remove that portion from the ceremonies for it was truly preposterous to have it.-

T1Legend: He continued to stand off to the side with his front facing the assembly, and George’s hands disappeared about behind his back as though he were clasping them together. The distinctive sound of a pistol-slide being pulled into place is clearly audible. Cobretti was holding his ‘piece’, alright. Any objections?

Morinehtar: The priestess marrying the two continued with the typical wedding steps, and Kotone approved of every moment, though she found it strange that the maid of honor gave away the bride. However, it was not her place to comment on such things. She could do little more than announce how delicately arranged the furniture and flowers were, or on how delinquent the flower girl was, but even that must be done in a way that did not speak ill of the wedding parties. Her musings were interrupted by yet another oddity: the maid of honor announcing a gift in the middle of the ceremony. In a flash a pair of people, a male and a female, stood in the aisle looking toward the bride. Kotone could make out only their profiles, but she was ignorant as to whom they were. The man nodded and the female blew a kiss. Whoever the pair were, they must be important. Were they real of some sort of hologram? Kotone was of course completely ignorant as to the family details of Tessa and Izu. Of course, there were no objections.

IzuCarrendar: Izu himself heard the cocking of the revolver, and looked set to have a fit. All his sons heard it as well, and you could not hear a pin drop from any of them. George, was really good at this Best man shit. <3>

IMrsNote: Joany sat quietly beside the female from before, fidgety but if that was the worst of it then they could consider themselves lucky. She did not speak again, but she did not pay attention either, though every now and then she’d look up to the couple in front curiously, swinging feet back and forth and watching in silence.

IzuCarrendar: – Brock noticed the girl in behind them, swinging her feet back and forth, becoming restless, which was to be expected at these shindigs. He was not as clever as Panny with her fire tricks, but he did have something else. He took out the packet of Menthos, and handed them to the flower girl. “Suck on those.” He said, beaming, before going back to watch the ceremony. <3>

BooScott: -Boo waited the amount of time that was required when nothing came, not a beep from the crowd and this made her smile return as if it had never been gone. “Alright! Now there are verses that speak of love, some of the more well known tell us that: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. Tessa and Izu, these vows that you are about to make are a way to share your love and commitment to each other in your own words. Whenever you are ready Izu, you may begin.” Boo encouraged the groom and stepped back just a slim step giving the floor to the groom.-

IMrsNote: Looking up to the male as he spoke, she spotted the mints, and reached forward, small fingers wriggling hopefully. Accepting them, she whispered softly, “Thank you.” She may have been a delinquent, but the five year old at least knew when to be polite, especially when getting candy. She popped one in her mouth, and continued her silence.
MidnightDarkPhoenix: Tessa smiled up at her fiancé and then looked on at the awkward patterns in the sky, her maid of honor now approaching beside her and speaking in turn to the priestess who again so much resembled that of Tessa’s mother. “I know I am no father, or mother, and that they are the true people who should be giving away such a prize to such an outstanding gentleman, but in recognition of everything, I am honored to give the Empress away.” A simple nod and smile towards her loving Advisor and she was all but in tears. The woman had brushed a tear aside and instantly stepped back towards the entrance to where Sebastian had been and spoken once more, ensuring the Empress she’d had a gift. Her eyes flicked in the light of the stars and candles before she saw the glowing lights of The Other Side opening and giving way. Not one, but two figures spawned forth from the light and instantly the flowers Tessa held fell to the ground, her eyes shimmering in the light again and tears pushing passed the gates of her lids to then fall forth down her face. A simple kiss that had meant so much more from her loving daughter, and an accepting… no approving nod from her arrogant brother, and they were both gone. The overjoy she suddenly felt during this night was more she could ever ask for, and it took everything in her power not to run towards her advisor and envelop her in a hug. The rest of the ceremony moving forward moments after having given the Empress time to recoup; no objections were made at the time the priestess had asked and again on the ceremony continued to proceed; the priestess again filling the room with her words. “Alright! Now there are verses that speak of love, some of the more well-known tell us that: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails. Tessa and Izu, these vows that you are about to make are a way to share your love and commitment to each other in your own words. Whenever you are ready Izu, you may begin.” Again by this time Tessa had gathered the bouquet in hand and turned to her loving fiancé while then waiting to hear his vows. >e<
IzuCarrendar: Keeping Tessa’s hand in his, he knew it was time to say his vows, which he had recited in the bathroom mirror over and over again for the past couple of weeks. Now was the time, to say them to the woman he wrote them for. “Tessa. You came into my life at a time when I thought that love would not come my way again. I’ve been a widower now for over twenty long years, and while I have been privileged to have my sons in my life, there was part of me that felt there was something missing. You filled the void that I never thought possible. You’re warmth and caring, and your understanding, drew me in to you. You’re my waking breath and my night time’s rest. The stars do not even begin to compare, for when you smile you are far more radiant than any star lit sky. I feel now, my life is complete and the journey we take together from this day on will be one filled with love and happiness, but no doubt we will have our moments. But I assure you, as I stand here today, no matter what is said, or who is right or wrong, I shall never go to bed holding anger, but work on our love. You’re my everything…and always will be.” <3>

BooScott: -The Grooms words brought a slight tear to Boo’s eyes, she fought to keep her composure in check. Boo turned to face the bride, gazing at her a certain pride crossed her unable to explain it the woman brushed it aside and nodded. “Tessa it is your turn, the floor is yours”-

MidnightDarkPhoenix: After having heard Izu’s vows she felt the oncoming wave of tears but held her composure for her fiancé and smiled brightly while then waiting for her turn to renounce her vows.“Izu…” Tessa had turned to look at her loving fiancé in front of all her family and friends. The tears that lay at her lids threatening to flow like a waterfall down her face as she slowly inhaled sharply before smiling wide at the love her life and began to speak her vows. “Tonight it is just you and I marrying the moment of illuminating the night. And I believe with all that is in me, that the stars we fell in love with watching; are now gazing in awe of us.” Her now glistening smile continued and she could only imagine the way he must have felt as she spoke on. “You came into my life, just shortly after my child died. I was filled with so much sorrow and grief I’d wanted to end my reign. But when you came into my council and presented yourself forth with your sister, it was then I knew… something that you had inside of you I could never have asked for filled me. Like a candle to the dark, you now light my way. I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands,” Her voice cleared up as she spoke firmly and lovingly with her continued vow. “To speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not, to agree to disagree on red velvet cake and the like, and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home; for you my love are just the start to my happily ever after.”

BooScott: -There wasn’t a dry eye in the room after the bride and groom had exchange their vows. The love they felt for one another was not only shows through their eyes, felt by everyone around them, but also heard by the words they had spoken to one another. Clearing her throat Boo whipped a tear from her eyes and nodded to the happy couple as she began to speak once again. “The bride and groom will now exchange rings. Izu please take Tessa’s hand in yours and repeat after me. I Izu give you Tessa this ring, as a symbol of my love, for today and tomorrow, and for all the days to come. Wear it as a sign of what we have promised on this day, for it represents the love we share, and know that my love is always present, even when I am not by your side. “-

T1Legend: ” Guess that’s my cue “, he said and stepped forward. For a moment, he caught a glimspe of Izu that made him look 20 years younger—-he remembered how happy he had been on that day 20 years ago. And he remembered how his first wife’s death had affected him, too. Buzz had gone down into a tailspin that Cobretti didn’t think he could pull out of—-it was like a part of him had died along with Desiree. But standing there, looking at him now, George could see that old spark of life in his old friend. He had the same twinkle in his eye now that he had in it on that day 20 years ago. Hell, George “Jetson” Cobretti felt 20 years younger just looking at him. Silently, the pilot reached into his pocket and handed Izu the ring.

IzuCarrendar: – Izu glanced at his best friend fondly, and took the ring that he gave him. Words were not needed, for their expressions said so much of what was felt. Through all the years of war and peace, the death of Desiree and the raising of the Carrendar sons, George had been Izu’s right hand, and now was here to witness Izu find love once again. Some say we are blessed in life to find love once, but twice means that you are doubly blessed. For a moment, time had reversed, and the two pilots now were like the young men of their twenties. Accepting the ring, he held Tessa’s hand gracefully, and repeated the Priestess’s words. “I Izu give you Tessa this ring, as a symbol of my love, for today and tomorrow, and for all the days to come. Wear it as a sign of what we have promised on this day, for it represents the love we share, and know that my love is always present, even when I am not by your side. ” He then slipped the ring on her finger, before bringing her hand up to his lips to kiss softly. <3>


BooScott: -When he was done Boo nodded at Tessa when she turned towards her her smile brightened a tad.” Tessa please take Izu’s hang in yours and repeat after me.I give you this ring, as a symbol of my love, for today and tomorrow, and for all the days to come.Wear it as a sign of what we have promised on this day, for it represents the love we share, and know that my love is always present,even when I am not by your side.”-

MidnightDarkPhoenix: The night air grew cold and Sebastian had fallen asleep in a corner. Tessa viewed the people around once more before smiling at her fiancé as he slipped the ring onto her ring finger and repeated what the priestess had said. In doing so she then turned to the priestess and listened to her repeat the same thing to her, asking Tessa to do the same. A nod and a smile and instantly Tessa’s fingers locked around the wedding band she’d held. Her eyes then looking towards Izu as she repeated the words slowly. I Tessa, give you Izu this ring, as a symbol of my love, for today and tomorrow, and for all the days to come. Wear it as a sign of what we have promised on this day, for it represents the love we share, and know that my love is always present, even when I am not by your side. ” She then placed the ring over his finger and slipped it on before again looking at his face and whispering ‘I love you’ to him.

IzuCarrendar:- When Tessa whispered that she loved him, he wasn’t about to follow protocol anymore. He simply cradled her face, in front of an astonished audience, and kissed her. Not some simple peck…he REALLY kissed her. The kind of kiss, that makes a woman kick up her heel, the kind when the war is over and the sailor grabs a nurse in the street. It was the kiss of love…everlasting. When he broke the kiss he said simply…”Ditto.” <3>

T1Legend: Cobretti jammed a pair of fingers into the corners of his mouth and let out with a wolf-whistle. The kiss meant the party could start now, right?

BooScott: “Well ok then, you don’t need me here anymore” Boo laughed as she glanced at the two of them” By sharing your vows and exchanging rings here today you both have decided to share the rest of your lives together. You are no longer two separate people but one couple together, two souls joined as one

BooScott: By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife.” Boo Looked from one to the other then at everyone present her hands extending to the happy couple ” It’s my great honor and privilege to be the first to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Izu Carrendar.”


Monolisa: Mona looked over to the exchanging of rings and smiled, she had given away the Empress to a man no better fitting for her. She then looked around the room towards the people who were still witnessing the wedding that went on longer than any normal wedding, it just meant that this wedding was that much more special. A grin was found upon Monolisa’s lips as she walked over the chair where Sebastian had fallen sleep due to lack of energy. He had done so much already for the Empress, but he would kill himself for missing the groom and bride kiss. She jumped a little startled when she heard a whistle, a noticed that Sebastian too had awoken. “Aww snap Sabby, you missed the kiss” <e>

IzuCarrendar: – Izu’s boys all applauded, with Orson doing a huge wolf whistle. Billy got out his box of rice and started pegging it at his dad. “Woohooo…Go Dad!”

Morinehtar: The organ player’s head was tilted slightly to the side with her hands folded in her ap. The pair had given such tender vows, a thing to be appreciated regardless of whether or not you knew them. The bride had just finished hers. Kotone expected the usual “you may now” statement from the priestess, but the groom was apparently impatient, for he drew the woman to him and kissed her as if their lives depended on it before the priestess could open her mouth. Well, a thing like that could be over looked given the situation. The best man’s most inappropriate whistle, on the other hand, could not and resulted in a thoroughly disproving frown upon the musician’s pink lips. She quickly wiped it away and began playing again as the pronunciation was made and the party began departing down the aisle.

IzuCarrendar: Izu picked up his wife, as he was rather athletic and started to walk her down the aisle, much to the amusement of many. His sons followed along behind, along with Pandora and Brock, who were keen to see them get in the honeymoon car, which the boys had covered in cream, condoms and vegemite in the tail pipe. There was toilet paper hanging off it like streamers and a big blow up doll on the back. Izu turned around and set down his bride, only to eye his sons. “Okay…which one of you did that?” But then from around the corner, Taru and Charlotte stepped out, Char holding the can of cream and Taru with a box of condoms. “We did. Have a great honeymoon Bro!” Charlotte winked at Tessa as Taru couldn’t stop laughing. <3>

MidnightDarkPhoenix: And there it was, before too long Izu moved forward and cradled her face. An astonished crowd now gasping in awe and shock at the sudden fact he’d kissed her. She inched forward as he did and kissed him hard and lovingly before then listening to the words of the priestess a final time. “By sharing your vows and exchanging rings here today you both have decided to share the rest of your lives together. You are no longer two separate people but one couple together, two souls joined as one.” She continued on. By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife.” Boo Looked from one to the other then at everyone present her hands extending to the happy couple “It’s my great honor and privilege to be the first to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Izu Carrendar.” A smile crossed Tessa’s face and instantly she began to cry once more as she then stood and then was thrown into her now loving husbands arms. A yelp escaping her lips as their sons along with Brock and Pandora followed soon after. The crowd cheered, threw rice and instantly everything became a lot more merry than when the wedding started. Upon approaching the wedding vehicle Tessa had noticed it was covered in cream, condoms and vegemite. A simple shake of her head and a smile was all it took for her to finally let herself calm. And minutes later Charlotte and Taru had both emerged after hearing Izu ask who’d done the deed. “We did. Have a great honeymoon Bro!”Charlotte then winked at her, and she saluted and lifted off while then entering the car and pulling her husband inside to head on their merry way to their honeymoon. >e<


The End.


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